Free Number Tracing Cards {PRINTABLE!}
If you’re helping your preschooler start learning numbers, you’ll find these free number tracing cards helpful! These are great for preschoolers just starting out in recognizing the direction and formation of numbers 1-10.
Let your preschooler trace with their finger or a marker on their cards in order to start recognizing each number and how it’s formed. Then get creative with other ways to use these cards!
A great way to great creative with number recognition and these cards is to put little pastas or sequins or anything small like that on the number’s path. My daughter likes using anything sparkly lately! It’s fun for her, and she doesn’t even realize she’s starting to identify the formation of the number we’re working on. But in just six weeks, she’s recognizing several numbers using this method.

My biggest tip for making these number cards work:
The key thing to remember when letting your child use these number tracing cards and having them remember the number (over time, of course) is this: talk to them while they’re doing this activity and repeat the name of the number that you’re working on in your conversation.
For example…..
- “Here’s your number 3 card!”
- “Here’s your marker – we’re going to trace this nice number 3!”
- “Wow, your number 3 looks so beautiful with those sparkles on it!”
- “Your number 3 looks so nice now that it’s red!”
- “You’re doing a great job on your number 3!”
- “Let’s take a picture of you with your nice number 3!”
You get the idea. It’s sooo basic, but just remember to insert the name of the number instead of just referring to it as their “card” or “activity” or “school.” This will reinforce the number name as they are looking at it, and they’ll be more likely to remember it.

How to use these number tracing cards:
Click on the download button below on your computer, and the PDF will open in a new tab.
The number tracing formation cards are 5×7 inches, 2 on each page. Print and cut on the cutting lines.
(I printed on cardstock to make them a little more sturdy for reuse.)

I laminated my cards so that we can use dry-erase markers on them and wipe them clean between uses.

You’ll love these worksheets that work on number recognition, too!
Six Clever Sisters has some cute number coloring pages (free downloads!) that you could include in your number learning lessons!
Check out the printable activities for 2-year-olds that I posted HERE!